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International Federation of Surveyors

FIG was founded on July 18, 1878 at Paris by delegates of seven national professional organizations (Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and Spain). Between the founding year and the turn of the century activities were limited, and between the two world wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) all efforts of FIG came to a standstill.

The first FIG Congress was held July 18-20, 1878 in Paris, France. The most recent, the XXII FIG Congress, was held in 2002 in Washington, DC.

In 1954, an invitation was received from FIG, the French Embassy, and the National Research Council to send a representative to the VIII FIG Congress in Paris, France that August. Marshall S. Wright, ACSM Past President, was appointed ACSM representative.

In 1959 ACSM sent Past President Lester Higbee and Vice President George Bestor as representatives and observers to the IX FIG Congress held in Delft, The Netherlands During the 1959 ACSM business meeting held on March 10, 1959, a motion was made and passed recommending membership in FIG. The awareness of the need to participate internationally in the field of surveying and mapping, and President George Bestor’s report from his attendance at the IX FIG.

Permanent Committee (PC) meetings were held in the intervening years between the FIG Congresses. ACSM has participated as a Member in all PC meetings and Congresses since 1959.

Three of the four current ACSM Member Organizations (AAGS, GLIS, NSPS) have formed the ACSM FIG Forum to represent their interests in FIG.

To view the FIG Forum Contacts Click Here

To view the FIG Delegation Click Here

